Gentle Girl 180 Online Puzzle

Tip: If you’re on your phone, try the 35 or 70 piece puzzle, and scroll on the white part of the frame to move the puzzle up and down.

or choose your own size: 3570120180220

Gentle Girl 180 Online Puzzle

The Backdrop: This gentle girl, Annie, an elderly miniature donkey, is a rescue on a local farm in Westminster, MD. Her gorgeous ears are beautifully large and floppy, and don’t miss a thing.

A special thank you to Ed and Rusti ?

Directions: It’s easy to get started on Gentle Girl 180 Online Puzzle. Simply move a puzzle piece and the clock will start running or press the three dots and click restart. Under the three dot section you may also change the background color of the puzzle. If you need a little help in putting the puzzle together, press the ghost button which will place a light image as a layer underneath the puzzle for you to follow or press the photo icon, to the left of the ghost button, to see a small image of the actual photo once you begin. If the pieces are too small in this view, press the maximize button icon all the way on the bottom right hand side of the puzzle screen for a full-screen view.

Usage Policy: All of these moments that I photographed or painted were freely received, so, therefore, they are freely given. I just ask that if you use these images, wherever possible, to credit Linda Losey with the link If you create something beautiful with them please share your creation with me on Facebook so I can ooh and aah too : )

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